Reception is murder bad here. http://twitpic.com/38muf8

I'm not even kidding. Everything about that back-ass-wards area screams murder. Driving out there you have this fucking seven foot deep ditch directly next to the road. MURDER DITCH. I would have a photo for you but YOU CAN'T PULL OVER, THERE'S A MURDER DITCH THERE. And fuck if I'm gonna crane over with my camera and blindly click, even if the road is entirely fucking deserted. The reception out there? I'm pretty sure that tweet went through only when I got back on a well-maintained road about a half an hour later. And in case you all wondered about my sanity during this trip, I was either stopped or at a red light for every single one of these tweets. I'm adventurous, not suicidal.

I saw the sun set over the St John's river in the middle of nowhere.
Somewhere between the east coast and sanford
@kitalita: First red light in 20 min
@kitalita: Never been more annoyed to see a taco bell http://twitpic.com/38n7ks
At this point I'd been driving around the country (and I mean COUUUNNTRY, as in a plywood sign with "RABBITS" and a phone number spray painted on it leaning against a telephone pole) for about an hour. I only saw two traffic lights in that entire time. And despite the fact that the soundtrack for this adventure was Girl Talk's new album, it only felt hipstery during the brief time that Karen O song from Where the Wild Things Are kicked in.
The arrival of the Taco Bell heralded the return to the massive fucking urban sprawl of the city, and the disappearance of anything photogenic. Although it took about another hour to make my way home, it became less an adventure of sightseeing and more a migratory dance party involving only the upper body. I did take ONE more detour to find the new location for Rocky's Replay.

The hot dogs are no longer only fifty cents but that loss has been made up for by way more floor space and the acquisition of new games, INCLUDING the Star Wars arcade game. So now when I hang out there I can impress people with more than my ability to fail spectacularly at Dance Dance Revolution.
This was a successful adventure, I think. An excellent way to spend the afternoon.

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